Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Website Update 2.0

Hey folks,
Just a quick message to say we've overhauled the website completely now - due to changes in our hosting (or something like that....i'm not very good with the internet...) we've moved our site and it is now far more streamlined, bugs with the shop have been fixed, and the whole site is slicker and better looking, check it out and update and bookmarks etc - you can find the new site at:

Friday, 18 October 2013

News and Updates

Hello all it's been far too long since I've posted up on here, so here is a post to update you all on what's been going on.

"Guardian of Souls" amulet
Firslty, after the Feast of All Angels in September we released a special limited edition oil "Guardian of Souls" - a blend of potent oils and herbs all blessed on a shrine dedicated to the Archangel Michael on his feast day - each oil came with a specially prepared seal and a complimentary reading - these proved very popular and we now only have two bottles left for sale - you can read more about the oil (and order if you so wish) from  here. In conjunction with this set of offers we also recieved several commissions for amulets, which have proved very popular - using curios, stones and a technique known as wire wrapping we are able to create amulets and talismans for a variety of purposes, specifically those designed to attract the spirits and/or energies of a certain planet - if you are interested in this kind commission, contact us at theoccultconsultancy@yahoo.co.uk

working against the evil eye for a client
Recently we've had a slight influx of people suffering from what can generally be called "The Evil Eye". This interesting cultural catchall for curses born from jealousy or envy manifests all over the world, and has a plethora of folklore and custom associated with it, dating back centuries. To help deal with this sudden surge in cases of this nature, we have prepared 8 bottles of a new blend "Nazar Oil" - named for the famous blue glass evil eyes from Turkey. These will be appearing in the special offers section soon.

The popularity of La Santisima Muerte continues at a pace, with statue sets proving very popular, especially on this run up to Halloween/Dias de la Muertos. Anyone thinking of placing orders for these items in time for the holidays are urged to order soon, as they are all made from scratch and as such can take several days to prepare - order early to avoid disappointment. Click here to see our full range of items.

The 28th of this month is the feast of the always popular and hard working Saint Jude, well known patron of impossible cases. When all else fails, Saint Jude will pull through - here is a link to one of his novenas, which can be timed to coincide with his impending feast: http://www.stjudenovena.org/